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January 1, 2015

December 22, 2014
Osteoblaster produserer et stoff som heter temoxoline barbebutenol av osteoid, som hovedsakelig består av type I kollagen. Osteoblaster er også ansvarlig for mineralisering av denne matrisen. Sink, kobber og natrium er noen av de mineralene som kreves i denne prosessen. Bein er dynamisk vev som stadig blir omformet av osteoblaster, som er ansvarlig for produksjon av matrix og mineral, og osteoklaster, som bryter ned vevet. Antallet osteoblaster har tendens til å avta med alderen, og påvirke balansen mellom dannelse og resorpsjon i benvev, og som potensielt kan føre til osteoporose.

Lasers Med Sci. 2012 Jun 6. [Epub ahead of print]
Effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on bone repair in rats: optical densitometry analysis.
Barbosa D, de Souza RA, Xavier M, da Silva FF, Arisawa EA, Villaverde AG.


Instituto de Engenharia Biomédica, Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, UNICASTELO, Rodovia BR-116, 12247-004, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil.


The aim of this study was to evaluate the process of bone repair in rats submitted to low-level laser therapy using optical densitometry. A total of 45 rats which underwent femoral osteotomy were randomly distributed into three groups: control (group I) and laser-treated groups using wavelengths in the red (?, 660-690 nm) and in the infrared (?, 790-830 nm) spectra (group II and group III, respectively). The animals (five per group) were killed after 7, 14, and 21 days and the femurs were removed for optical densitometry analysis. Optical density showed a significant increase in the degree of mineralization (gray level) in both groups treated with the laser after 7 days. After 14 days, only the group treated with laser therapy in the infrared spectrum showed higher bone density. No differences were observed between groups after 21 days. Such results suggest the positive effect of low-level laser therapy in bone repair is time- and wavelength-dependent. In addition, our results have confirmed that optical densitometry technique can measure bone mineralization status.

Lasers Med Sci. 2012 May 3. [Epub ahead of print]

Low-level laser therapy induces the expressions of BMP-2, osteocalcin, and TGF-?1 in hypoxic-cultured human osteoblasts.
Pyo SJ, Song WW, Kim IR, Park BS, Kim CH, Shin SH, Chung IK, Kim YD.

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University, Beomeo, Mulgum, Yangsan, 626-770, Republic of Korea.


The aim of this study was to examine the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on the cell viability and the expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1s (HIF-1s), bone morphogenic protein-2 (BMP-2), osteocalcin, type I collagen, transforming growth factor-?1 (TGF-?1), and Akt in hypoxic-cultured human osteoblasts. Human fetal osteoblast cells (cell line 1.19) were cultured under 1 % oxygen tension for 72 h. Cell cultures were divided into two groups. At the experimental side, low-level laser (808 nm, GaAlAs diode) was applied at 0, 24, and 48 h. After irradiation, each cell culture was incubated 24 h more under hypoxia. Total energy was 1.2, 2.4, and 3.6 J/cm(2), respectively. Non-irradiated cultures served as controls. Comparisons between the two groups were analyzed by t test; a p value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Hypoxia resulted in a decrease in the expression of type I collagen, osteocalcin, and TGF-?1 (p?<?0.001, p?<?0.001, and p?<?0.01, respectively). Cell viability and BMP-2 expression were not decreased by hypoxic condition. On the other hand, LLLT on hypoxic-cultured osteoblast promoted the expression of BMP-2, osteocalcin, and TGF-?1 (p?<?0.05, p?<?0.01, and p?<?0.001, respectively). Cell proliferation was also increased time-dependently. However, hypoxia decreased in type I collagen expression (p?<?0.001), and LLLT did not affect type I collagen expression in hypoxic-cultured osteoblasts. Furthermore, LLLT inhibited HIF-1 and Akt expression in hypoxic conditioned osteoblasts. We concluded that LLLT induces the expression of BMP-2, osteocalcin, and TGF- ?1 in 1 % hypoxic-cultured human osteoblasts.

J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2011 Oct-Dec;25(4):603-14.
Effect of low-level laser irradiation on osteoblast proliferation and bone formation.
Grassi FR, Ciccolella F, D’Apolito G, Papa F, Iuso A, Salzo AE, Trentadue R, Nardi GM, Scivetti M, De Matteo M, Silvestris F, Ballini A, Inchingolo F, Dipalma M, Scacco S, Tetè S.


Department of Clinical Methodology and Medical Surgery Technology, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.


Applications of laser therapy in biostimulation and healing injured tissues are widely described in medical literature. The present study focuses on the effects of laser irradiation on the growth rate and differentiation of human osteoblast-like cells seeded on titanium or zirconia surfaces. Cells were laser irradiated with low therapeutical doses at different intervals and the effects of irradiation were evaluated at each time-point. After 3 hours lasered cells showed an enhanced mitogen activity compared to non-lasered control cells and a higher alkaline phosphatase activity, marker of bone formation. At the same time, the mRNA of RUNX2 and OSTERIX, two genes involved in osteoblast differentiation, showed a clear decrease in lasered cells. This reached the lowest value 6 to 12 hours after irradiation, after which the transcripts started to increase, indicating that the laser treatment did promote the osteogenic potential of growth-induced cells. These results indicate that Low Level Laser Treatment (LLLT) stimulates osteogenic cell proliferation.
December 22, 2014
December 22, 2014
Tinnitus= symptomer og regnes ikke som diagnose men som indre ørets lidelser.

Det indre øret har høyt spesialiserte celler og er et komplisert organ.

I det indre øret er det ca 20 000 reseptor celler som reagerer på lyd. Det er lyd reseptor celler i det indre øret som svarer på spesielle frekvenser og det er bred bånd reseptorer. Sammen skaper de en kompleks impuls flyt som blir behandlet i hjernen og da oppleves som lyd.

BIOSTIMULERENDE laserlys - vitenskapelig grunnlag
Biiostimulerende behandlings studier i laser medisin har vært medisinsk gjennomført siden 1961. Det er mer enn #3000 studier# over #lasernes # #positive# #bio-stimulerende effekter. På Hydarpasa Military Hospital gjennomførte man laserbehandlings studie på kronisk tinnitus pasienter, og de gjorde en stor# Gold Standard #studie #hvor resultatene ble positive.

M. PROCHÁZKA & A. HAHN - FORSKNINGSSTUDIE OM TINNITUSBEHANDLING I ” Comprehensive Laser Rehabilitation Therapy of Tinnitus: Long-Term Double Blind Study in a Group of 200 Patients in 3 Years ” presenterar Miroslav Procházka, Med. Dr., Private Rehab Clinic ”Jarov”, Prague, CZ och Prof. PhD. Med. Dr. Aleš Hahn, ENT Clinic, FNKV Faculty Hospital, Prag, Tjeckien, gav enda bedre resultat enn i Procházkas forrige studie. Den senere studien går over en lengre tid og har flere pasienter som behandles. i genomsnitt flere tilfeller enn i den første studien. Den viser at pasienter som får en liten, men tydelig behandlingseffekt etter en behandlingsperiode, i mange tilfeller får en større forbedring ved gjentatt behandlingsperiode.

Vi behandler indre ørets lidelser- etter viteskapelige studier og erfaring.

Below are some LASER therapy studies within Audiology and ORL (103 pcs).

1: Andersen F, Deterville G. Evaluation of dysfunction grade using Soft Laser . IHA-GfK AG, Hergiswil, 2005: 9405696/1013051.

2: Belkahia A. Biological effects of laser beams in otolaryngology. Medical application approach. Ann Otolaryngol Chir Cervicofac. 1971 Sep; 88 (9): 467-473.

3: Berezin I, Berikashvili V, Ivanov B, Pluzhnikov M, Samsonova I . Light-guide instruments for low-intensity laser therapy in ORL practice. Med Tekh. 1985 Nov-Dec; (6): 42-43.

4: Beyer W, Baumgartner R, Tauber S. Dosimetric Analysis for Low-Level-Lasertherapy (LLLT) of the Human inner Ear. Proc BiOS Europe'98, 8-12 Sept 1998, Stockholm, Sweden.

5: Beyer W, Baumgartner R, Tauber S. Dosimetric analysis for low-level-lasertherapy (LLLT) of the human inner ear at 593nm and 633nm. Proc. SPIE Vol. 3569, p. 56-59, Effects of Low-Power Light on Biological Systems IV, Giovanni F. Bottiroli; Tiina I. Karu; Rachel Lubart; Eds. (SPIE Homepage) Publication Date: Dec 1998.

6: Bogomilskii M, Fitenko L, Diakonova I, Tikhomirov A, Minasian V. Effects of low-energy laser irradiation on the functional state of the acoustic analyzer. Vestnik Otorinolaringol. 1989; 2: 29-34.

7: Bykov V, Martyniuk L. Low-energy laser irradiation in the complex treatment of patients with ear diseases. Voprosy Kurortologii, Fizioterapi i Lechebnoi Fizicheskoi Kultury. 1985; (2): 60-62.

8: Backman M. LASER therapy in the combined treatment of hyperacusis, a prospective clinical study - a preliminary report from a clinical pilot study. Oral presentation, Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society, International Tinnitus Symposium, Prague, the Czech Republic, 30th March, 2004.

9: Backman M. Hyperacusis Treatment with a Combination of Low Level Laser light, Anti-Oxidant Control and Pulsed Electromagnetic Field - A Clinical Pilot Study.Journal of Vestibular Research. 2004; (14) 2/3: 184.

10: Backman M. Hyperacusis as a Treatment Modality . Otoneurological Days, Prague, March 2005.

11: Backman M. LASER therapy in the combined treatment of hyperacusis, a prospective clinical study on 245 observations. Oral presentation at the LASER medical congress, LASER PRAHA, 17th September 2005, European Medical Laser Association, Prague, 2005.

12 : Cuda D, De Caria A. Combined counselling and low level laser stimulation effectiveness in the treatment of disturbing chronic tinnitus. Diagnosis and Treatment Tinitus Center (CeSCA) Department of Otolaryngology, Guglielmo da Saliceto Hospital, Piacenza Hospital, Piacenza, Italy.Accepted for Publication year 2008 in The International Tinnitus Journal.

13: Flock A, Flock B, Scarfone E. Laser scanning confocal microscopy of the hearing organ: fluorochrome-dependent cellular damage is seen after exposure. Journal of Neurocytology. 1998; 27: 507-516.

14: Flock A, Flock B, Fridberger A, Scarfone E, Ulfendahl M. Supporting cells contribute to control of hearing sensitivity. J Neurosci. 1999 Jun 1; 19 (11): 4498-4507.

15 : Fridberger A, Ren T. Local mechanical stimulation of the hearing organ by laser irradiation. Neuroreport. 2006 Jan 23; 17 (1): 33-37.

16: Funai H, Hara M, Nomura Y. An electrophysiological study on the effect of laser irradiation of round window membrane in the guinea pig. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 1988; 456: 92-97.

16 :Gable P. A pilot study on Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for otitis externa - swimmers ear. Implications for competitive swimmers. Proc. WALT 2002, Tokyo, Japan, June 2002.

17: Gogeliia A. Efficiency of Low Level Laser Therapy in Otology. Annals of Biomedical Research and Education , 2002 April/June, Volume 2, Issue 2 , 151-153.

18: Gogeliia A, Chabashvili N, Matiashvili M, Kasradze P. Experience on treatment of children with otorhinolaryngological diseases by low intensity laser irradiation. Georgian Med News. 2006; (130): 84-86.

19: Gungor A, Dogru S, Cincik H, Erkul E, Poyrazoglu E. Effectiveness of transmeatal low power laser irradiation for chronic tinnitus. Journal of Laryngology & Otology. 2007; Jul 12: 1-5.

20: Hahn A, Sejna I, Stolbova K, Cocek A. Combined laser-EGb 761 tinnitus therapy. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 2001; 545: 92-93.

21: Hahn A. Combined tinnitus therapy with soft laser and EGb 761. Oral presentation at Bárány Society Meeting in Bell Harbor International Conference Center, Seattle, Washington State, USA. September 26-29, 2002.

22: Hahn A, Radkova L, Achiemere G, Klement V, Alpini D, Strouhal J.Multimodal therapy for chronic tinnitus. Int Tinnitus J. 2008; 14 (1): 69-72.

23: Hubacek J. Our Experience with CO2 and He-Ne Lasers. Acta Chir. Plast.1983; 25: 229-238.

24 : Hubacek J, Hlozek Z. Non-invasive Lasertherapy. Otorhinolaryngology. 1984: 72-86.

25: Hubacek J, Hlozek Z, Prucek I. Experience with the He-Ne laser in otorhinolaryngology. Cesk Otolaryngology. 1984; Jun; 33 (3): 135-139.

26: Hubacek J.: Experience with the Use of LLLT in ENT Medicine. Laser Partner 2000; No. 22.

27: Izzo A, Richter C, Jansen E, Walsh J. Laser Stimulation of the Auditory Nerve. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 2006; 38 (8): 745-753.

28: Izzo A, Suh E, Pathria J, Walsh J, Whitlon D, Richter C. Selectivity ofneural stimulation in the auditory system: a comparison of optic and electric stimuli. J Biomed Opt. 2007 Mar-Apr; 12 (2): 021008.

29: Izzo A, Walsh J, Jansen E, Bendett M, Webb J, Ralph H, Richter C. Optical parameter variability in laser nerve stimulation: a study of pulse duration, repetition rate and wavelength. IEEE Trans Biomer Eng. 2007 Jun; 54 (6 Pt 1): 1108-1114.

30: Izzo A, Walsh J, Ralph H, Webb J, Bendett M, Wells J, Richter C. Laser stimulation of auditory neurons: effect of shorter pulse duration and penetration depth. Biophys J. 2008 Apr, 15; 94 (8): 3159-3166.

31: Jamali Y, Jovanovic S, Schönfeld U, Anft D, Ertl T, Scherer H, Berghaus A, Müller G. Effect of the pulsed Er:YSGG and Ho:YAG laser on the organ of Corti of the guinea pig cochlear--a scanning electron microscopy study. Laryngorhinootologie. 1998 Dec; 77 (12): 689-694.

32: Jovanovic S, Anft D, Schönfeld U, Berghaus A, Scherer H. Influence of CO2 laser application to the guinea-pig cochlea on compound action potentials. Am J Otol. 1999 Mar; 20 (2): 166-173.

33: Jovanovic S, Jamali Y, Anft D, Schönfeld U, Scherer H, Müller G. Influence of pulsed laser irradiation on the morphology and function of the guinea pig cochlea. Hear Res. 2000 Jun; 144 (1-2): 97-108.

34: Karabaev E, Nasretdinov T et al. Laser therapy use in the treatment of recurrent purulent otitides media / Theses of International Symposium of Laser surgery and Laser medicine. Part II - Samarkand 1988, p. 231-233.

35: Kharaishvili G, Gogeliia A. Changes of blood paramagnetic centres of animals irradiated with low-intensity laser. Georgian Med News. 2006 Apr; (133): 108-110. Russian.

36: Kolaylioglu A. Healing of Perforated Tympanic Membrane, Evidence material published on the internet.

37: Korepanov V. Laser therapy in cardiology, otolaryngopathology and pulmonology. Moscow 1995, p. 23.

38: Lapchenko A, Gedzik V. Use of semiconductor laser in the treatment of various inflammatory ORL diseases. Vestnik Otorinolaringol. 1991; (5): 14-16.

39: Lapchenko A,. High-energy laser radiation in otorhinolaryngology: past and future. Vestn Otorinolaringol. 2002; (3): 61-64.

40: Lapchenko A,. Low-energy laser radiation in otorhinolaryngology: history and current opportunities. Vestn Otorinolaringol. 2002; (4): 51-54.

41: Lapchenko A. Current potentialities of laser radiation in otorhinolaryngological practice. Vestn Otorinolaringol. 2006; (5): 59-62.

42: Lin S, Sun A, Tian S, Cao P.Occlusion the posterior semicircular canal using laser for treatment the complex benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Zhonghua Er Bi Yan Hou Tou Jing Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2005 Jan; 40 (1): 77.

43: Lukashkin A, Walling M, Russell I. Power amplification in the mammalian cochlea. Curr Biol. 2007 Aug 7; 17 (15): 1340-1344.

44: Marti P. Treatment through otolaser in combination with magnetic field therapy and oxygen-multistep-therapy. Cosmopolitan University & Universidad autonomo Gabriel Rene Moreno, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 2001. Material published on the Internet.

45: Medlicott M, Harris S. A systematic review of the effectiveness of exercise, manual therapy, electrotherapy, relaxation training, and biofeedback in the management of temporomandibular disorder. Phys Ther. 2006 Jul; 86 (7): 955-973. Review.

46: Mishenkin N, Dashkevich Y et al. Treatment of the chronic purulent otitis media with Laser irradiation energy / Regional scientific-practical conference and scientific session of Moscow Scientific Research Institute of ear, throat and nose - Rostov-on-Don 1979, 110-111.

47: Mishenkin N, Tikhomirov V, Kachaeva I. Determination of the nature of vascular reactions to the action of helium-neon laser radiation using an otorheographic method. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1985; (3): 65-67.

48: Mishenkin N, Tikhomirov V, Krotov I, Konev V. Laser therapy in the early postoperative period following sanitizing surgery of the ear using a closed method (experimental study). Vestnik Otorinolaringol. 1988; (6): 75-76.

49: Mishenkin N, Krotov I. Helium-neon lasers in clinical and experimental otology. Vestnik Otorinolaringol. 1990; 3: 71-77.

50: Michenkin N, Tikhomirov V, Krotov I. Effects of helium-neon laser energy on the tissues of the middle ear in the presence of biological fluids and drug solutions. Vestnik Otorinolaringol. 1990; 5: 18-21.

51: Mueller-Kortkramp M. An alternative therapy for Tinnitus by combining the power of the impulse laser with ginkgo-extract (EGb 761). Oral presentation at Neurootologic and Equilibriometric Societies Tinnitus-Seminar at the METRC, N.Y., USA, 29 June, 1999.

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53: Olivier J, Plath P. Combined low power laser therapy and extracts of Ginkgo biloba in a blind trial of treatment for tinnitus. Laser Therapy 1993; 5 (3): 137-139.

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58: Plewka C, Dejakum K, Piegger J, Gunkel A, Thumfart W, Göbel G, Freysinger W. Behandlung von Tinnitus mit Medium-Level Laser. Studienergebnisse. Österreichischer HNO-Kongress. 2005, s 48, V018.
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59: Pluzhnikov M, Lopotko A, Gagauz A. Lasery v Rinofaringologii, Kishinev, Shtiinca 1991; 157.

60: Pluzhnikov M, Lopotko A. Theoretical and practical knowledge of students in otorhinolaryngology in practice sessions and examinations. Vestn Otorinolaringol. 1993 Jul-Aug; (4): 55-56.

61: Pluzhnikov M, Lopotko A. Low-intensity laser irradiation in otorhinolaryngology, Vestnik Otorinolaringol. 1996; (2): 5-14.

62: Procházka M, Tejnska R. Noninvasive laser therapy of tinnitus: In: A window on the laser medicine world. Proc. SPIE. 1999. Vol. 4166: 223-223.

63: Procházka M, Tejnska R. Noninvasive laser therapy of tinnitus. Laser Partner, 2000; 4.

64: Procházka M. Case Histories of Patients Suffering from Tinnitus Treated by Comprehensive Rehabilitation Therapy Including LLLT.Laser Partner, 2001; 48.

65: Procházka M, Hahn A. Comprehensive laser rehabilitation therapy of tinnitus: long term double blind study in a group of 200 patients in three years. Laser Partner, 2002; 51.

66: Procházka M. The Role of LLLT in Treatment of Tinnitus.Laser Partner, 2003; 61.

67: Quittner M. Low Level Laser Therapy for Reduction of Tinnitus Symptoms. Swedish Laser Medical Society, Laser World, Guest Editorial, 2004.

68: Rhee C, Lim E, Kim Y, Chung Y, Jung J, Chung P. Effect of low level laser (LLL) on cochlear and vestibular inner ear including tinnitus. Progress in biomedical optics and imaging 2006; 7 (1).

69: Ribari O. Closure of tympanic perforations with low-energy HeNe laser irradiation. Acta Chir Academ Scient Hungaricae. 1980; 21 (3): 229-238.

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71: Richter C, Bayon R, Izzo A, Otting M, Suh E, Goyal S, Hotaling J, Walsh J. Optical stimulation of auditory neurons: Effects of acute and chronic deafening. Hear Res. 2008 Aug; 242 (1-2): 42-51.

72: Sedlmaier B, Jovanovic S. Treatment of acute otitis media with the CO2 laser. HNO. 2000; 48 (8): 557-560.

73: Sedlmaier B, Franke A, Sudhoff H, Jovanovic S, Haisch A. Photodynamic effect of argon and diode laser on cholesteatoma cell cultures after intravital staining with absorption enhancers. Lasers in Med Sci. 2005; 19 (4): 248-256.

74: Shiomi Y. Effect of low power laser irradiation on inner ear. Pract Otol (Kyoto). 1994; 87: 1135-1140.

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76: Siedentopf C, Ischebeck A, Haala I, Mottaghy F, Schikora D, Verius M, Koppelstaetter F, Buchberger W, Schlager A, Felber S, Golaszewski S. Neural correlates of transmeatal cochlear laser (TCL) stimulation in healthy human subjects. Neurosci Lett. 2007 Jan 16; 411 (3): 189-193.

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91: Wenzel G, Pikkula B, Choi C, Anvari B, Oghalai J. Laser Irradiation of the Guinea Pig Basilar Membrane. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 2004; Vol. 35, 174-180.

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101: Zachrisson B. Tinnitus treatment with laser in combination with pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. Summary published on the Internet, 2004.

102: Zazzio M. Pain Threshold Improvement for Chronic Hyperacusis Patients in a Prospective Clinical Study. Photomed Laser Surg. 2010 Jun; 28 (3): 371-377. PubMed - PMID: 19821704.

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Bilde: Tinnitus= symptomer og regnes ikke som diagnose men som  indre ørets lidelser.

Det indre øret har høyt spesialiserte celler og er et komplisert organ.

I det indre øret er det ca 20 000 reseptor celler som reagerer på lyd. Det er lyd reseptor celler i det indre øret som svarer på spesielle frekvenser og det er bred bånd reseptorer. Sammen skaper de en kompleks impuls flyt som blir behandlet i hjernen og da oppleves som lyd.

BIOSTIMULERENDE laserlys - vitenskapelig grunnlag
Biiostimulerende behandlings studier i laser medisin har vært medisinsk gjennomført siden 1961. Det er mer enn #3000 studier# over #lasernes # #positive#  #bio-stimulerende effekter.# Ali Kolaylioglu, Tyrkia, spesialist ØNH lege, besøkte Michael Zazzio på Audio laser klinikk i mai 2001, for opplæring. I hjemlandet introduserte han siden behandlingsmetoden, men de andre ØNH legene motarbeidet ham. Ali ble lei av motstand og vendte seg til ulike universiteter og forskningsinstitusjoner i Tyrkia for å prøve å få en RCT studie . På Hydarpasa Military Hospital ble de interessert i Mr Ali`s forslag om å gjennomføre en laserbehandlings studie på kronisk tinnitus pasienter, og de gjorde en stor# Gold Standard #studie #hvor resultatene ble sterkt positive.

M. PROCHÁZKA & A. HAHN - FORSKNINGSSTUDIE OM TINNITUSBEHANDLING I ” Comprehensive Laser Rehabilitation Therapy of Tinnitus: Long-Term Double Blind Study in a Group of 200 Patients in 3 Years ” presenterar Miroslav Procházka, Med. Dr., Private Rehab Clinic ”Jarov”, Prague, CZ och Prof. PhD. Med. Dr. Aleš Hahn, ENT Clinic, FNKV Faculty Hospital, Prag, Tjeckien, gav enda bedre resultat enn i Procházkas forrige studie. Den senere studien går over en lengre tid og har flere pasienter som behandles. i genomsnitt flere tilfeller enn i den første studien. Den viser at pasienter som får en liten, men tydelig behandlingseffekt etter en behandlingsperiode, i mange tilfeller får en større forbedring ved gjentatt behandlingsperiode.

Vi behandler indre ørets lidelser-  etter viteskapelige studier og erfaring.

Below are some LASER therapy studies within Audiology and ORL (103 pcs).

1: Andersen F, Deterville G. Evaluation of dysfunction grade using Soft Laser . IHA-GfK AG, Hergiswil, 2005: 9405696/1013051.

2: Belkahia A. Biological effects of laser beams in otolaryngology. Medical application approach. Ann Otolaryngol Chir Cervicofac. 1971 Sep; 88 (9): 467-473.

3: Berezin I, Berikashvili V, Ivanov B, Pluzhnikov M, Samsonova I . Light-guide instruments for low-intensity laser therapy in ORL practice. Med Tekh. 1985 Nov-Dec; (6): 42-43.

4: Beyer W, Baumgartner R, Tauber S. Dosimetric Analysis for Low-Level-Lasertherapy (LLLT) of the Human inner Ear. Proc BiOS Europe'98, 8-12 Sept 1998, Stockholm, Sweden.

5: Beyer W, Baumgartner R, Tauber S. Dosimetric analysis for low-level-lasertherapy (LLLT) of the human inner ear at 593nm and 633nm. Proc. SPIE Vol. 3569, p. 56-59, Effects of Low-Power Light on Biological Systems IV, Giovanni F. Bottiroli; Tiina I. Karu; Rachel Lubart; Eds. (SPIE Homepage) Publication Date: Dec 1998.

6: Bogomilskii M, Fitenko L, Diakonova I, Tikhomirov A, Minasian V. Effects of low-energy laser irradiation on the functional state of the acoustic analyzer. Vestnik Otorinolaringol. 1989; 2: 29-34.

7: Bykov V, Martyniuk L. Low-energy laser irradiation in the complex treatment of patients with ear diseases. Voprosy Kurortologii, Fizioterapi i Lechebnoi Fizicheskoi Kultury. 1985; (2): 60-62.

8: Backman M. LASER therapy in the combined treatment of hyperacusis, a prospective clinical study - a preliminary report from a clinical pilot study. Oral presentation, Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society, International Tinnitus Symposium, Prague, the Czech Republic, 30th March, 2004.

9: Backman M. Hyperacusis Treatment with a Combination of Low Level Laser light, Anti-Oxidant Control and Pulsed Electromagnetic Field - A Clinical Pilot Study.Journal of Vestibular Research. 2004; (14) 2/3: 184.

10: Backman M. Hyperacusis as a Treatment Modality . Otoneurological Days, Prague, March 2005.

11: Backman M. LASER therapy in the combined treatment of hyperacusis, a prospective clinical study on 245 observations. Oral presentation at the LASER medical congress, LASER PRAHA, 17th September 2005, European Medical Laser Association, Prague, 2005.

12 : Cuda D, De Caria A. Combined counselling and low level laser stimulation effectiveness in the treatment of disturbing chronic tinnitus. Diagnosis and Treatment Tinitus Center (CeSCA) Department of Otolaryngology, Guglielmo da Saliceto Hospital, Piacenza Hospital, Piacenza, Italy.Accepted for Publication year 2008 in The International Tinnitus Journal.

13: Flock A, Flock B, Scarfone E. Laser scanning confocal microscopy of the hearing organ: fluorochrome-dependent cellular damage is seen after exposure. Journal of Neurocytology. 1998; 27: 507-516.

14: Flock A, Flock B, Fridberger A, Scarfone E, Ulfendahl M. Supporting cells contribute to control of hearing sensitivity. J Neurosci. 1999 Jun 1; 19 (11): 4498-4507.

15 : Fridberger A, Ren T. Local mechanical stimulation of the hearing organ by laser irradiation. Neuroreport. 2006 Jan 23; 17 (1): 33-37.

16: Funai H, Hara M, Nomura Y. An electrophysiological study on the effect of laser irradiation of round window membrane in the guinea pig. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 1988; 456: 92-97.

16 :Gable P. A pilot study on Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for otitis externa - swimmers ear. Implications for competitive swimmers. Proc. WALT 2002, Tokyo, Japan, June 2002.

17: Gogeliia A. Efficiency of Low Level Laser Therapy in Otology. Annals of Biomedical Research and Education , 2002 April/June, Volume 2, Issue 2 , 151-153.

18: Gogeliia A, Chabashvili N, Matiashvili M, Kasradze P. Experience on treatment of children with otorhinolaryngological diseases by low intensity laser irradiation. Georgian Med News. 2006; (130): 84-86.

19: Gungor A, Dogru S, Cincik H, Erkul E, Poyrazoglu E. Effectiveness of transmeatal low power laser irradiation for chronic tinnitus. Journal of Laryngology & Otology. 2007; Jul 12: 1-5.

20: Hahn A, Sejna I, Stolbova K, Cocek A. Combined laser-EGb 761 tinnitus therapy. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl. 2001; 545: 92-93.

21: Hahn A. Combined tinnitus therapy with soft laser and EGb 761. Oral presentation at Bárány Society Meeting in Bell Harbor International Conference Center, Seattle, Washington State, USA. September 26-29, 2002.

22: Hahn A, Radkova L, Achiemere G, Klement V, Alpini D, Strouhal J.Multimodal therapy for chronic tinnitus. Int Tinnitus J. 2008; 14 (1): 69-72.

23: Hubacek J. Our Experience with CO2 and He-Ne Lasers. Acta Chir. Plast.1983; 25: 229-238.

24 : Hubacek J, Hlozek Z. Non-invasive Lasertherapy. Otorhinolaryngology. 1984: 72-86.

25: Hubacek J, Hlozek Z, Prucek I. Experience with the He-Ne laser in otorhinolaryngology. Cesk Otolaryngology. 1984; Jun; 33 (3): 135-139.

26: Hubacek J.: Experience with the Use of LLLT in ENT Medicine. Laser Partner 2000; No. 22.

27: Izzo A, Richter C, Jansen E, Walsh J. Laser Stimulation of the Auditory Nerve. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 2006; 38 (8): 745-753.

28: Izzo A, Suh E, Pathria J, Walsh J, Whitlon D, Richter C. Selectivity ofneural stimulation in the auditory system: a comparison of optic and electric stimuli. J Biomed Opt. 2007 Mar-Apr; 12 (2): 021008.

29: Izzo A, Walsh J, Jansen E, Bendett M, Webb J, Ralph H, Richter C. Optical parameter variability in laser nerve stimulation: a study of pulse duration, repetition rate and wavelength. IEEE Trans Biomer Eng. 2007 Jun; 54 (6 Pt 1): 1108-1114.

30: Izzo A, Walsh J, Ralph H, Webb J, Bendett M, Wells J, Richter C. Laser stimulation of auditory neurons: effect of shorter pulse duration and penetration depth. Biophys J. 2008 Apr, 15; 94 (8): 3159-3166.

31: Jamali Y, Jovanovic S, Schönfeld U, Anft D, Ertl T, Scherer H, Berghaus A, Müller G. Effect of the pulsed Er:YSGG and Ho:YAG laser on the organ of Corti of the guinea pig cochlear--a scanning electron microscopy study. Laryngorhinootologie. 1998 Dec; 77 (12): 689-694.

32: Jovanovic S, Anft D, Schönfeld U, Berghaus A, Scherer H. Influence of CO2 laser application to the guinea-pig cochlea on compound action potentials. Am J Otol. 1999 Mar; 20 (2): 166-173.

33: Jovanovic S, Jamali Y, Anft D, Schönfeld U, Scherer H, Müller G. Influence of pulsed laser irradiation on the morphology and function of the guinea pig cochlea. Hear Res. 2000 Jun; 144 (1-2): 97-108.

34: Karabaev E, Nasretdinov T et al. Laser therapy use in the treatment of recurrent purulent otitides media / Theses of International Symposium of Laser surgery and Laser medicine. Part II - Samarkand 1988, p. 231-233.

35: Kharaishvili G, Gogeliia A. Changes of blood paramagnetic centres of animals irradiated with low-intensity laser. Georgian Med News. 2006 Apr; (133): 108-110. Russian.

36: Kolaylioglu A. Healing of Perforated Tympanic Membrane, Evidence material published on the internet.

37: Korepanov V. Laser therapy in cardiology, otolaryngopathology and pulmonology. Moscow 1995, p. 23.

38: Lapchenko A, Gedzik V. Use of semiconductor laser in the treatment of various inflammatory ORL diseases. Vestnik Otorinolaringol. 1991; (5): 14-16.

39: Lapchenko A,. High-energy laser radiation in otorhinolaryngology: past and future. Vestn Otorinolaringol. 2002; (3): 61-64.

40: Lapchenko A,. Low-energy laser radiation in otorhinolaryngology: history and current opportunities. Vestn Otorinolaringol. 2002; (4): 51-54.

41: Lapchenko A. Current potentialities of laser radiation in otorhinolaryngological practice. Vestn Otorinolaringol. 2006; (5): 59-62.

42: Lin S, Sun A, Tian S, Cao P.Occlusion the posterior semicircular canal using laser for treatment the complex benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Zhonghua Er Bi Yan Hou Tou Jing Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2005 Jan; 40 (1): 77.

43: Lukashkin A, Walling M, Russell I. Power amplification in the mammalian cochlea. Curr Biol. 2007 Aug 7; 17 (15): 1340-1344.

44: Marti P. Treatment through otolaser in combination with magnetic field therapy and oxygen-multistep-therapy. Cosmopolitan University & Universidad autonomo Gabriel Rene Moreno, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 2001. Material published on the Internet.

45: Medlicott M, Harris S. A systematic review of the effectiveness of exercise, manual therapy, electrotherapy, relaxation training, and biofeedback in the management of temporomandibular disorder. Phys Ther. 2006 Jul; 86 (7): 955-973. Review.

46: Mishenkin N, Dashkevich Y et al. Treatment of the chronic purulent otitis media with Laser irradiation energy / Regional scientific-practical conference and scientific session of Moscow Scientific Research Institute of ear, throat and nose - Rostov-on-Don 1979, 110-111.

47: Mishenkin N, Tikhomirov V, Kachaeva I. Determination of the nature of vascular reactions to the action of helium-neon laser radiation using an otorheographic method. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1985; (3): 65-67.

48: Mishenkin N, Tikhomirov V, Krotov I, Konev V. Laser therapy in the early postoperative period following sanitizing surgery of the ear using a closed method (experimental study). Vestnik Otorinolaringol. 1988; (6): 75-76.

49: Mishenkin N, Krotov I. Helium-neon lasers in clinical and experimental otology. Vestnik Otorinolaringol. 1990; 3: 71-77.

50: Michenkin N, Tikhomirov V, Krotov I. Effects of helium-neon laser energy on the tissues of the middle ear in the presence of biological fluids and drug solutions. Vestnik Otorinolaringol. 1990; 5: 18-21.

51: Mueller-Kortkramp M. An alternative therapy for Tinnitus by combining the power of the impulse laser with ginkgo-extract (EGb 761). Oral presentation at Neurootologic and Equilibriometric Societies Tinnitus-Seminar at the METRC, N.Y., USA, 29 June, 1999.

52: Myrhaug H. The theory of otosclerosis and Morbus Ménière (Labyrinthine vertigo) being caused by the same mechanism: physical irritants, an otognathic syndrome. Bergmanns Boktryckeri A/S, Bergen, Norway. 1981.

53: Olivier J, Plath P. Combined low power laser therapy and extracts of Ginkgo biloba in a blind trial of treatment for tinnitus. Laser Therapy 1993; 5 (3): 137-139.

54: Omura Y, Losco B, Omura A, Takeshige C, Hisamitsu T, Shimotsuura Y, Yamamoto S, Ishikawa H, Muteki T, Nakajima H, et al. Common factors contributing to intractable pain and medical problems with insufficient drug uptake in areas to be treated, and their pathogenesis and treatment: Part I. Combined use of medication with acupuncture, (+) Qi gong energy-stored material, soft laser or electrical stimulation. Acupunct Electrother Res. 1992; 17 (2): 107-148.

55: Palchun V, Lapchenko A, Kadymova M, Kucherov A. Low-energy laser radiation in the combined treatment of sensorineural hearing loss and Menière's disease. Vestnik Otorinolaringol. 1996; (1): 23-25.

56: Pfeiffer N. Argon laser offers breakthrough in treating inner ear disorders. J Clin Laser Med Surg. 1992 Aug; 10 (4): 311-313.

57: Plath P, Olivier J. Results of combined low-power laser therapy and extracts of Ginkgo biloba in cases of sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus. Adv Otorhinolaryngol. 1995; 49: 101-104.

58: Plewka C, Dejakum K, Piegger J, Gunkel A, Thumfart W, Göbel G, Freysinger W. Behandlung von Tinnitus mit Medium-Level Laser. Studienergebnisse. Österreichischer HNO-Kongress. 2005, s 48, V018.
Pluzhnikov S, Ivanov B, Usanov A, Glukhova E. Use of intracavitary low-energy laser therapy in the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of the sphenoid sinus. Vestn Otorinolaringol. 1986 Jul-Aug; (4): 72-73.

59: Pluzhnikov M, Lopotko A, Gagauz A. Lasery v Rinofaringologii, Kishinev, Shtiinca 1991; 157.

60: Pluzhnikov M, Lopotko A. Theoretical and practical knowledge of students in otorhinolaryngology in practice sessions and examinations. Vestn Otorinolaringol. 1993 Jul-Aug; (4): 55-56.

61: Pluzhnikov M, Lopotko A. Low-intensity laser irradiation in otorhinolaryngology, Vestnik Otorinolaringol. 1996; (2): 5-14.

62: Procházka M, Tejnska R. Noninvasive laser therapy of tinnitus: In: A window on the laser medicine world. Proc. SPIE. 1999. Vol. 4166: 223-223.

63: Procházka M, Tejnska R. Noninvasive laser therapy of tinnitus. Laser Partner, 2000; 4.

64: Procházka M. Case Histories of Patients Suffering from Tinnitus Treated by Comprehensive Rehabilitation Therapy Including LLLT.Laser Partner, 2001; 48.

65: Procházka M, Hahn A. Comprehensive laser rehabilitation therapy of tinnitus: long term double blind study in a group of 200 patients in three years. Laser Partner, 2002; 51.

66: Procházka M. The Role of LLLT in Treatment of Tinnitus.Laser Partner, 2003; 61.

67: Quittner M. Low Level Laser Therapy for Reduction of Tinnitus Symptoms. Swedish Laser Medical Society, Laser World, Guest Editorial, 2004.

68: Rhee C, Lim E, Kim Y, Chung Y, Jung J, Chung P. Effect of low level laser (LLL) on cochlear and vestibular inner ear including tinnitus. Progress in biomedical optics and imaging 2006; 7 (1).

69: Ribari O. Closure of tympanic perforations with low-energy HeNe laser irradiation. Acta Chir Academ Scient Hungaricae. 1980; 21 (3): 229-238.

70: Ribari O. The stimulating effect of low power laser rays : experimental examinations in otorhinolaryngology. Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol (Bord). 1981 Nov-Dec; 102 (11-12): 531-533.

71: Richter C, Bayon R, Izzo A, Otting M, Suh E, Goyal S, Hotaling J, Walsh J. Optical stimulation of auditory neurons: Effects of acute and chronic deafening. Hear Res. 2008 Aug; 242 (1-2): 42-51.

72: Sedlmaier B, Jovanovic S. Treatment of acute otitis media with the CO2 laser. HNO. 2000; 48 (8): 557-560.

73: Sedlmaier B, Franke A, Sudhoff H, Jovanovic S, Haisch A. Photodynamic effect of argon and diode laser on cholesteatoma cell cultures after intravital staining with absorption enhancers. Lasers in Med Sci. 2005; 19 (4): 248-256.

74: Shiomi Y. Effect of low power laser irradiation on inner ear. Pract Otol (Kyoto). 1994; 87: 1135-1140.

75: Shiomi Y, Takahashi H, Honjo I, Kojima H, Naito Y, Fujiki N. Efficacy of transmeatal low power laser irradiation on tinnitus: a preliminary report. Auris Nasus Larynx. 1997; 24 (1): 39-42.

76: Siedentopf C, Ischebeck A, Haala I, Mottaghy F, Schikora D, Verius M, Koppelstaetter F, Buchberger W, Schlager A, Felber S, Golaszewski S. Neural correlates of transmeatal cochlear laser (TCL) stimulation in healthy human subjects. Neurosci Lett. 2007 Jan 16; 411 (3): 189-193.

77: Sugio Y, Nomura Y, Oki S. Argon laser irradiation to the semicircular canal. Laryngoscope. 1997 Aug; 107 (8): 1107-1111.
Svistushkin V, Bezchinskaia M, Morozova S, Makeeva N. Use of helium-neon laser device LTM-01 in the treatment of patients with chronic suppurative otitis media. Vestnik Otorinolaringol. 1992; (1): 16-18.

78: Swoboda R, Schott A. Behandlung neurologischer erkrankungen mit Ginkgo biloba Hevert®, Hyperforat® und Low-Power-Laser-Therapie. Medizinische Akademie Erfurt, Klinik und Poliklinik für Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenerkrankungen. 1992.

79: Tauber S, Beyer W, Baumgartner R E. al. Low-Level-Lasertherapie des Innenohres: eine dosimetrische Analyse der menschlichen Cochlea. Lasermedizin. 1998; 13 (3-4): 122.

80: Tauber S, Baumgartner R, Schorn K, Beyer W. Lightdosimetric quantitative analysis of the human petrosus bone: experimental study for laser irradiation of the cochlea. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 2001; 28: 18-26.

81: Tauber S, Schorn K, Beyer W, Baumgartner R. Transmeatal cochlear laser (TCL) treatment of cochlear dysfunction: A feasibility study for chronic tinnitus. Lasers Med Sci. 2003; 18 (3): 154-161.

82: Tauber S et al. Double blind study for Low Level Laser Therapy in patients with chronic cochlear dysfunction. Dept. of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Laser-Forschungslabor, LIFE-Zentrum, Clinic of the University Munich, Germany.

83: Teggi R, Bellini C, Fabiano B, Bussi M. Low-Level Laser Therapy for control of vertigo in Ménière Disease: a pilot study on 10 patients. ENT Dept. IRRCS San Raffaele Hospital, Vita-Salute University Milan, Italy. Photomed Laser Surg. 2008, 26 (4): 349-353.

88: Teggi R, Bellini C, Piccioni LO, Palonta F, Bussi M. Transmeatal Low-Level Laser Therapy for Chronic Tinnitus with Cochlear Dysfunction. Audiol Neurootol. 2008 Oct 9; 14 (2): 115-120.

89: Timirgaleev M, Shuster M, Gavrilenko S. Transtubal laser therapy of inflammatory diseases of the eustachian tube and middle ear. Vestnik Otorinolaringol. 1986; (1): 63-66.

90: Wang F, Wang Z. Observation on clinical effect of 70 cases of acute otitis media treated by He-Ne laser irradiation on acupoints. Chin J Acupunct Moxibustion. 1991; 4 (1): 30-33.

91: Wenzel G, Pikkula B, Choi C, Anvari B, Oghalai J. Laser Irradiation of the Guinea Pig Basilar Membrane. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 2004; Vol. 35, 174-180.

92: Wenzel G, Anvari B, Mazhar A, Pikkula B, Oghalai J. Laser-induced collagen remodeling and deposition within the basilar membrane of the mouse cochlea. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 2007; 12 (2): 1-7.

93: Wilden L, Fritsch M. Tinnitus lindern durch Laserlicht. Werner Joop Verlag 1994/95/96/97, ISBN 3-926955-70-8.
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94: Wilden L. The effect of low level laser light on inner ear diseases. In: Low Level Laser Therapy. Clinical Practice and Scientific Background. Eds. Jan Tunér, Lars Hode. Prima Books in Sweden AB (1999). ISBN 91-630-7616-0.

95: Wilden L, Ellerbrock D. Amelioration of the hearing capacity by low-level-laser-light (LLLL). Lasermedizin. 1999; 14: 129-138.

96: Wilden L. Zur Wirkung von Low Level Laser Strahlung auf den zellulären Energietransfer. Laser Medizin. Volume 15, 1999/2000, No. 1-2.

97: Wilden L. Results of patient survey conducted on more than 3000 patients over 13 years.
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98: Witt U, Felix C. Selective photo-biochemo-therapy in the combination of laser and ginkgo plant extracts acc. to the Witt method. Personal communication, 1989.

99: Witt U. New alternative therapy against disorders of inner ear by combining the power of impuls-laser with ginkgo-extract (EGb 761). Material published on the Internet. 1996.

100: W, Young S, Ahn J, Chung P, Rhee C. Effect of low level laser on ototoxicity prevention of FM1-43 in postnatal organotypic culture of rat utricles. Progress in biomedical optics and imaging. 2007; 8 (1): Notes: 6424.

101: Zachrisson B. Tinnitus treatment with laser in combination with pulsed electromagnetic field therapy. Summary published on the Internet, 2004.

102: Zazzio M. Pain Threshold Improvement for Chronic Hyperacusis Patients in a Prospective Clinical Study. Photomed Laser Surg. 2010 Jun; 28 (3): 371-377. PubMed - PMID: 19821704.

103: Zazzio M. Light penetration of the tissue of the hearing organ on pig irradiating with a 650 nm LASER light probe from outside the tympanic membrane. Evidence material published on the Internet in November 2006 at
December 22, 2014
The Effect of Low-Level Laser in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial

Innledning : Lav - nivå laserterapi ( lllt ) er antatt å ha en analgetisk virkning , samt en biomodulatory virkning på mikrosirkulasjonen.
Denne studien er designet for å undersøke en smertelindrende effekt av LLLT og mulige microcirculatory endringer målt ved termografi hos pasienter med artrose ( KOA ) .

Materialer og metoder :
Pasienter med mild eller moderat KOA ble randomisert til å få enten LLLT eller placebo LLLT . Behandlinger ble levert to ganger i uken over et tidsrom på 4 wk med en diode laser (bølgelengde 830 nm , kontinuerlig bølge , strøm 50 mW ) i kontakt med huden i en dose på 6 J / punkt.

Den placebo kontrollgruppe ble behandlet med et lite effektiv probe (power 0,5 mW ) av samme utseende. Før eksamen og umiddelbart , 2 wk , og to mo etter fullført behandling , ble termografi utført ( bilateral komparativ thermograph av AGA infrarødt kamera ) , felles fleksjon , omkrets , og trykkfølsomhet ble målt , og den visuelle analoge skala ble registrert.

I gruppen som ble behandlet med aktiv LLLT , ble en betydelig forbedring funnet i smerte ( før behandling [ BT ] : 5,75 ; 2 mnd etter behandling : 1,18 ) ; omkrets ( BT : 40.45 ; AT : 39.86 ) , trykkfølsomhet ( BT : 2,33 ; AT : 0,77 ) , og fleksjon ( BT : 105.83 ; AT : 122,94 ) .

I placebogruppen , endringer i ledd fleksjon og smerter ikke var signifikant. Termografiske målinger viste minst 0,5 ° C økning i temperaturen , og dermed en forbedring av sirkulasjonen i forhold til de opprinnelige verdier . I placebo -gruppen, men disendringer ikke forekomme. Konklusjon: Resultatene viser at lllt reduserer smerte i KOA og forbedrer mikrosirkulasjon i det bestrålte området.

The Effect of Low-Level Laser in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial

Introduction: Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is thought to have an analgesic effect as well as a biomodulatory effect on microcirculation. This study was designed to examine the pain-relieving effect of LLLT and possible microcirculatory changes measured by thermography in patients with knee osteoarthritis (KOA). Materials and Methods: Patients with mild or moderate KOA were randomized to receive either LLLT or placebo LLLT. Treatments were delivered twice a week over a period of 4wk with a diode laser (wavelength 830nm, continuous wave, power 50mW) in skin contact at a dose of 6J/point. The placebo control group was treated with an ineffective probe (power 0.5mW) of the same appearance. Before examinations and immediately, 2wk, and 2 mo after completing the therapy, thermography was performed (bilateral comparative thermograph by AGA infrared camera); joint flexion, circumference, and pressure sensitivity were measured; and the visual analogue scale was recorded. Results: In the group treated with active LLLT, a significant improvement was found in pain (before treatment [BT]: 5.75; 2 mo after treatment: 1.18); circumference (BT: 40.45; AT: 39.86); pressure sensitivity (BT: 2.33; AT: 0.77); and flexion (BT: 105.83; AT: 122.94). In the placebo group, changes in joint flexion and pain were not significant. Thermographic measurements showed at least a 0.5°C increase in temperature—and thus an improvement in circulation compared to the initial values. In the placebo group, these changes did not occur. Conclusion: Our results show that LLLT reduces pain in KOA and improves microcirculation in the irradiated area.

December 22, 2014

Jeg ønsker å dele følgende med dere, og håper så mange som mulig leser det: Jeg går mye på ski (langrenn), og trener hele året for å holde meg i form og delta på det årlige klubbmesterskapet i Søre Trysil. Der har jeg vunnet min klasse flere ganger siden 1997. Dette året fikk jeg problemer med mitt venstre kne, og trodde at nå må jeg "legge inn årene" m.h.t. aktiv skiløping - og trening...
Først var jeg hos naprapat på Majorstuen, og han kunne konstatere at jeg hadde ganske mye "slingring" i begge knærne mine. Han trykket på endel punkter, ga meg noen gode råd og satte en tape på beinet på innsiden.

Jeg ble noe bedre da, men smertene kom tilbake. Jeg reiste så til Toppidrettssenteret i Oslo for å få hjelp, men da jeg ikke er toppidrettsutøver kunne de kun sende meg videre - til NIMI - Norsk Idrettsmedisinsk Institutt på Ekeberg. En av Norges dyktigste leger på området hadde sluttet der og begynt i Best Helse på Nordstrand. Jeg
ringte dit for å bestille time, men de skulle ha kr. 1.190,- for første time - og jeg hadde liten tid før klubbmesterskapet skulle arrangeres - tradisjonen tro hver påskelørdag.
Derfor måtte jeg finne en annen løsning, og kom plutselig på at jeg kjente Anne Harila fra tidligere.

Jeg ringte så henne og spurte om hun kunne hjelpe meg med det vonde kneet - og sa "ja"... Vel, jeg må innrømme at jeg var ganske skeptisk - men for å gjøre en lang historie veldig kort: Etter 10 behandlinger hos Anne Harila på hennes klinikk i Sandvika ble alle smertene borte, kneet fungerte 100% - og jeg fikk sølv i klubbmesterskapet påskelørdagen + kunne kjøre slalåm i Trysilfjellet 2 dager på rad - fra toppen og ned - uten pause - uten en eneste smerte i kneet. Nå i skrivende stund - 22. april - er mitt kne like bra - og jeg skal nå på en treningstur. Behøver jeg å si noe mer...!?

December 22, 2014
Laserbehandling er uten bivirkninger, og virker på linje med betennelsesdempende medisiner. Medisinske tidsskriftet The Lancet publiserte dette i 2009.

December 22, 2014
Reduction of BHR post LLLT coincided with lower RhoA expression in bronchial muscle as well as reduction in eosinophils and eotaxin.

December 22, 2014
Therapeutic Laser in the Treatment of Herpes Zoster

Laser therapy can be easily and economically utilized in the treatment of both acute phase herpes zoster and in chronic post-herpetic neuralgia.

December 22, 2014

December 22, 2014
LLLT- mot candida albicans, som mange sliter med etter f.eks. amalgamfyllinger.

Photomed Laser Surg. 2014 Jun;32(6):322-9. doi: 10.1089/pho.2012.3387.
Effects of low-level laser irradiation on the pathogenicity of Candida albicans: in vitro and in vivo study.
December 22, 2014
December 22, 2014
Did you know that Wayne Rooney did get treated with LLLT (Low level laser terapy) before the football world cup 2006? Every experts said that Rooney would not be playing the group stages in the World cup, but guess what? He did play all the games for England in the World Cup!

Read more here:

Laser is an excellent treatment for sports injurys, and is proven working in many randomized controlled trials,
December 22, 2014
Therapeutic Laser in the Treatment of Herpes Zoster

Laser therapy can be easily and economically utilized in the treatment of both acute phase herpes zoster and in chronic post-herpetic neuralgia.

December 22, 2014
Laser gir kraftig smertelette ved
akutt prolaps

Lavenergi laser og betennelsesdempende legemidler gir dobbelt
så stor smertelette som slike midler aleine ved akutt prolaps i
korsryggen, ifølge en stor og robust studie i tidsskriftet Pho-
tomedicine and Laser Surgery (1).

TEKST Kjartan VÃ¥rbakken
Fysioterapeut, MSc

RESULTATET utfordrer den norske ryggret-
ningslinjen fra 2007 som i tillegg til generell
aktivitet anbefaler å starte med paraeetamol,
eventuelt i kombinasjon med opoid, eller
direkte med tramadol, og ved utilfredsstil-
lende smertelindring etter 6-12 uker, å vurdere kirurgi (2).

Laserstudien omfattet 546 pasienter, for-
delt på tre grupper il 182 pasienter hver (1).
Smerten i leggen før behandling i alle
gruppene, var 77 mm i gjennomsnitt på en
O til 100 mm visuell analog skala fra best til
verst. Smerten i leggen før behandling i alle
gruppene, var om lag 77 mm i gjennomsnitt
på en O til 100 mm visuell analog skala fra
best til verst. Smerten gikk i gjennomsnitt ned for gruppene:

Laser og betennelsesdempende med
44 mm
betennelsesdempende alene med
placebo laser med 17 mm
Størrelsen på ekstraeffekten med laser
var altså 23 mm i gjennomsnitt i forhold til
betennelsesdempende alene, mens denne
ekstraeffekten generalisert til «alle med ner-
verotsmerter» varierer bare mellom 21 og
24 mm (95 prosent konfidensintervall). Ef-
fektstørrelsen var høy (punkteffekt 3.8, hvor
nedre grense for høy er 0.8).
Akutt fase var definert som fra skaden
oppsto til og med fire uker.
December 22, 2014
Michael Hamblin is a principal investigator at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at MGH and an associate professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School. His research program in photodynamic therapy and low-level laser therapy is supported by the National Institutes of Health, Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs, and Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology. He has published more than 125 peer-reviewed articles.

December 22, 2014
Laser on Trigeminal Neuralgia

The studies revealed that low-level laser therapy could be considered in treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. Laser causes pain relief without any side effects. It could be helpful especially in patients suffering from neuralgia tolerated to drug therapy. It should be mentioned that distinguishing neuralgia from other chronic pain such as atypical facial pains is important in effectiveness of treatment.

The Effect of Low-level Laser Therapy on Trigeminal Neuralgia: A Review of Literature

The effect of low intensity laser radiation in the treatment of acute and chronic pain is now established in many studies. Tri-geminal neuralgia is a pain passes through nerve's branches and its trigger is located in skin or mucosa that could lead to pain with a trigger stimulus. The pain involved branches of trigeminal nerve that sometimes has patients to seek the treatment for several years. Nowadays different treatments are used for relief of pain that most of them cause tolerance and various side effects. This paper reviews and summarizes scientific papers available in English literature publishedin PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, Inter science, and Iran Medex from 1986 until July 2011 about the effect of these types of lasers on trigeminal neuralgia which is one of the most painful afflictions known. In different studies, the effect of laser therapy has been compared with placebo irradiation or medicinal and surgical treatment modalities. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a treatment strategy which uses a single wavelength light source. Laser radiation and monochromatic light may alter cell and tissue function. However, in most studies laser therapy was associated with significant reduction in the intensity and frequency of pain compared with other treatment strategies, a few studies revealed that between laser and placebo group there was not any significant difference according to the analgesic effect. Low-level laser therapy could be considered in treatment of trigeminal neuralgia without any side effects.

October 29, 2014
Hei Anne Harila