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August 28, 2016
Naked Into The Wilderness - [1. Primitive Fire and Cordage ]
Av Tom Skeie Magnussen den 18. april 2015 kl. 15:43
*De beste VIDEOER om primitiv overlevelse, og å leve med utelukkende det du finner i naturen.*

Utvilsomt det beste jeg har funnet om primitiv overlevelse tilpasset nordlige forhold. Alt du trenger Ã¥ vite for Ã¥ overleve, og leve utelukkende med rÃ¥varer og hjelpemidler fra naturen. Slik vÃ¥re forfedre levde i flere Ã¥rtusener. Og slik noen lever nært opp til selv i dag hos noen folk. 

Jeg har delt denne serien med jevne mellomrom fra jeg startet gruppa. Her er de lange episodene delt i kortere snutter. Det er selvsagt mulig å kopiere listen og spesifisere på hver enkelt snutt det den inneholder, for lettere å finne frem til akkurat det du leter etter. Eller bare plukke ut det vesentlige, og skippe resten. Denne serien har jeg alltid med på en minnebrikke. Brikken inneholder også 11 GB med alt tenkelig om overlevelse, et lass med fagbøker og mye mer. Skulle ønske jeg kunne dele den med dere andre her på gruppa. Det er også bare en kompakt del av hele samlingen som jeg nesten ikke tør nevne størrelsen på :-D Men det er bare å spør. Kanskje jeg har det og kan dele ;-)

Gjengen fra Naked into the wilderness hadde allerede da disse videoene ble laget undervist i primitiv overlevelse i mange Ã¥r. Fin gjeng. Ekte barbarer som vet hva de holder pÃ¥ med ;-) Jeg har sett fÃ¥ pÃ¥ tubene som har prøvd ut teknikkene mer enn disse folkene. TÃ¥lmodig gjeng som stortrives i naturen, slik ogsÃ¥ vÃ¥re forfedre gjorde. De var frie og hadde mange ganger mer anvendelig kunnskap enn oss. Hundre ganger mer enn det lille skreddersydde vi lærer pÃ¥ skolen. De kunne alt som skulle til. BÃ¥de til Ã¥ overleve, og Ã¥ leve godt! 

*Her den første serien i 10 deler på ca 11 minutter hver:

[Naked Into The Wilderness] 1 Primitive Fire and Cordage [John & Geri McPherson]

[Naked Into The Wilderness] 2 Primitive Fire and Cordage [John & Geri McPherson]

[Naked Into The Wilderness] 3 Primitive Fire and Cordage [John & Geri McPherson]

[Naked Into The Wilderness] 4 Primitive Fire and Cordage [John & Geri McPherson]

[Naked Into The Wilderness] 5 Primitive Fire and Cordage [John & Geri McPherson]

[Naked Into The Wilderness] 6 Primitive Fire and Cordage [John & Geri McPherson]

[Naked Into The Wilderness] 7 Primitive Fire and Cordage [John & Geri McPherson]

[Naked Into The Wilderness] 8 Primitive Fire and Cordage [John & Geri McPherson]

[Naked Into The Wilderness] 9 Primitive Fire and Cordage [John & Geri McPherson]

[Naked Into The Wilderness] 10 Primitive Fire and Cordage [John & Geri McPherson]

  • +1 sole.rider
  • +1 Troll¤¤Kar
August 28, 2016
Herlig post! Savner en deleknapp, ala FB...
August 29, 2016
Ja skal være en del knapp istedenfor "Comment" der, har bare alt for mye å surre med, det kommer.
  • +1 sole.rider
August 29, 2016
Går man inn på Biblioteket og åpner Posts, så kan det deles derfra ;)
August 29, 2016
...nei kan bare dele hele mapper seg jeg nÃ¥. . Skal fÃ¥ fylt opp Bibliotekene, men det tar tid Ã¥ laste opp store filer. Skulle hatt et team som jobbet kontinuerlig med akkurat det => Ã… fylle opp med informasjon her pÃ¥ Sub-Ether! :) 
  • +1 Troll¤¤Kar
September 1, 2016
Høres ut som en jobb for meg....

September 2, 2016
Kjør på. Vi danner et 'torrent-team' når du kommer til gamlelandet igjen. Pøser på med det jeg har av pdf osv. Til vi får rigget til vår egen server på en node der vi kan laste opp massivt og hurtig direkte fra diskene våre :)
August 28, 2016
Massiv liste over bøker og videoer om overlevelse:
Title - Author
98.6 Degrees the art of keeping your ass alive - cody lundin
A Collection of Indigenous Indonesian Technologies - Craig Thorburn
A cook on the wild side - Hugh fearnley-whittingstall
Adrift - Steven Callahan
Aids to Survival – W.A. Police Academy Command & Land Operations unit
Animal Traps and Trapping - James A. Bateman
Animals, tracks, trails and signs - R. Brown, M. Lawrence and J. pope
Arctic Manual - Vilhjalmur Stefanson
Army manual of Hygiene and Sanitation 1934 - MoD
Automotive operation and maintenance (for Pioneer roads) – E. Christopher Cone
Axe Manual of Peter McLaren – Peter McLaren
Basic Blacksmithing - David Harries and Bernhard Heer
Being your own Wilderness Doctor – Dr. E. Russel Kodet
Botany in a day - Thomas J. Elpel
British Trees in Colour - Cyril Hart, illus Charles Raymond
Bush Arts – Mors Kochanski
Bushcraft - Richard Graves
Bushcraft How to Live In The Jungle And Bush
Bushcraft Skills and How To Survive In The Wild - Anthonio Akkermans
Cache Lake Country - John J. Rowlands
Camp Life in the Woods and the Tricks of Trapping and Trap Making - William Hamilton Gibson
Campers' Guide to Woodcraft and Outdoor Life - Luis Henderson
Camping and woodcraft - Horace Kephart
Camping in the Old Style - Dave Wescott, David Wescott
Camplife in the woods and the tricks of trapping - W. Hamilton Gibson
Camplore and Woodcraft - Daniel Beard
Care of the Critically Ill Patient in the Tropics and Subtropics - David A.K. Watters
Complete book of survival - Eddie McGee
Country Woodcraft - Drew Langsner
Craftsmen of Necessity - Christopher williams 
Culpepers herbal remedies - Nicholas Culpeper
Deadfalls and snares - A.R Harding
Deep Survival - Laurence Gonzales
Desert expeditions – Tom Sheppard
Desert Survival Tips, Tricks & Skills -Tony Nester
Ditch Medicine - Hugh L. Coffee
Don’t Die in The Bundu - Col. D. H. Grainger
Down but not out - Royal Canadian air force Survival training School
Dwelling Portably 1980-89 - Bert and Holly Davis
Dwelling Portably 1990-99 - Bert and Holly Davis
Dwelling Portably 2000-2008 - Bert and Holly Davis
Dwellings - Paul Oliver
Earth Knack - Bart & Robin Blankenship
Emergency Navigation - David Burch
Essential Bushcraft - Ray Mears
Essentials of Sea Survival - Frank Golden MD, PHD & Michael Tipton PHD
Expedition Medicine - The Royal Geographical society 
Experiments on Knife sharpening - Department of materials science and engineering Iowa state university
Extreme survival - Dr Kenneth Kamler
Finding your way without a map or compass - Harrold Gatty
Food and Emergency Food in the Circumpolar Area - Kerstin Eidlitz
Food for free - Richard Mabey
Friluftsboken - Lars Fält
Gemsbok Bean & Kalahari truffle, traditional plant use by Jul'hoansi in N.East Namibia - Arno Leffers
Handbok Overlevnad - Lars Fält
Handbook of knots and splices – Charles Gibson
Hints to travellers Scientific and general (1883) – Royal Geographical society
Home manufacture of Furs and Skins - A.B. Farnham
Home tanning and leather making guide - A.B Farnham
Homegrown sun dwellings – Peter Van Dresser
How to **** in the woods - Kathleen Meyer
How to make tools - Christiansen & Bernard Zubrowski
How to stay alive in the woods – Bradford Angier
How to survive in the bush, on the coast, in the mountains of New Zealand – Lt B. Hildrith RNAF
How to survive on land and sea - US naval institute press
Hunting with a Bow and arrow – Saxton pope
Improvised repairs to wheeled vehicles in the field (1943) – British MOD
Indian Fishing - Hilary Stewart
Inner navigation – Erik Jonsson
Into the primitive - Dale martin
Knife Making - Bo Bergman
Knowledge of the Ancestors - Ryan Leech
Life at the extremes the science of survival - Frances Ashcroft
Living off nature - Judy Urquhart
Living off the land, a manual of bushcraft - Salt (Melbourne, Vic.)
Manifold destiny - Chris Maynard & Bill Scheller
Medicine for Mountaineering and other wilderness activities - James A. Wilkerson
Mini Technology Handbook Volume 1 & 2 – B.R. Saubolle & S.J. Bachmann
Minor surgical procedures in remote areas – Medecins San frontiers
Mountainman crafts and skills - David Montgomery
Moving Heavy Things - Jan Adkins
Naked into the wilderness - John & geri Mcpherson
Naked into the wilderness 2 - John & Geri McPhearson
Never say die – Canadian Military
New way of the wilderness - Calvin Rutstrum
No need to Die - Eddie McGee
Northern Bushcraft - Mors kochanski
Nutrition in medicine - Simon P. Allison
On Your own in the Wilderness – Colonel Townsend Whelen
Outdoor safety and survival - British Columbia outdoor recreation division
Outdoor survival skills - Larry Dean Olsen
Outdoors survival handbook - Ray Mears
Paradise Below Zero - Calvin Rutstrum
Participating in Nature - Thomas J. Elpel
Passport to Survival - Esther Dickey
Performing in extreme environments - Lawrence E. Armstrong
Physiology of Man In The Desert - E. F. Adolph
Pioneering projects - John Thurman
Plants with a Purpose - Richard Mabey, Marjorie Blamey
Poachers and poaching - John Watson
Polar Expeditions – Rachel Duncan 
Practicing Primitive: A Handbook of Aboriginal Skills - Steven M. Watts
Primary Diagnosis & Treatment, in Developing countries - Daniel E. Fountain
Primitive outdoor skills - Richard L Jamison
Primitive Technology - Erret Callahan
Primitive technology 2, Ancestral Skills - society for primitive technology
Primitive technology, a book of earth skills - society for primitive technology
Ranger Medical Handbook –US Army Special Operations Command
Recipes for roughing it easy - Dian Thomas
Rogers Herbal Manual – Robert Dale Rogers
Roughing it easy 2 - Dian Thomas
Roughing it easy – Dian Thomas
Sahara overland - Chris Scott
Sanitation Without Water - Uno Winblad and Wen Kitama
Saskatchewan trapper training manual – Saskatchewan Education Northern division
Scouting for boys first edition - Baden Powell
Search and Rescue Survival Training AF Reg 64-4 - US department of the air force
Secrets of Eskimo Skin Sewing - Edna Wilder
Shelters shacks and shanties - D.C. Beard
Shifts and Expedients of Camp Life for Travel & Exploration (1871) – W.B Lord & T. Baines
SkyGuide – Mark R. Chartrand
Snow Caves - Ernest Wilkinson
South Sea Lore - Kenneth P. Emory
Staying Alive – Maurice and Maralyn Bailey
Survival - Chris & Gretchen Janowsky
Survival advantage - Andrew Lane
Survival and Austere Medicine - The Remote, Austere, Wilderness and Third World Medicine Discussion Board
Survival arts of the primitive Paiutes - Margaret M. Wheat
Survival How to Prevail In Hostile Enviroments - Xavier Maniguet
Survival Psychology - John Leach
Survival skills of native California - Paul D. Cambell
Survival Skills of the North American Indians - Peter Goodchild
Survival Wisdom & Know How - the editors of stackpole books
Survival, how to prevail in hostile enviroments - Xavier Maniguet 
Survive the savage sea - Dougal Robertson
Survive – Clay Blair, Jr.
Surviving Australia - Sorrel Wilby
Tanning at Home - W.B Scarbough
The Art of Survival – Cord Christian Troebst
The art of Tracking, The origin of science - Louis Liebenberg
The Art of Travel - Francis Galton
The axe Manual - Peter Mclaren
The Basic Essentials of Desert Survival - Dave Ganci
The best of Woodsmoke - Richard L. Jamison
The Book of Survival - Anthony Greenbank
The Bushmans handbook - H. A. Lindsay
The Call of the Birds – Charles S. Bayne
The complete book of heating with wood – Larry Gay
The complete book of self sufficiency - John Seymour
The Complete Guide to Edible wild plants,fruits and Nuts - Katie Letcher Lyle
The complete snow campers guide – Raymond Bridge
The essentials of archery - L.E. Stemmler
The foraging spectrum - Robert L. Kelly
The Fungal Pharmacy – Robert Rogers
The Humanure Handbook - Jospeh Jenkins
The Hunting peoples - Carleton S. Coon
The Jungle Hiker - Royal Air Force Welfare ceylon
The Natural Navigator - Tristan Gooley
The nature and subsequent uses of flint - John W. Lord
The Nature doctor – Dr. H. C. A. Vogel
The poachers handbook - Ian Niall
The Practical Mushroom encyclopaedia - peter jorden & steve wheeler
The Prairie Traveler handbook for overland expeditions (1859) – Randolph P. Marcy 
The S.A.S. survival hand book - John Wisman
The Ship’s Medicine Chest and Medical Aid at Sea - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The Sling for sport and survival - Cliff Savage
The survival handbook - Raymond mears
The traditional bowers bible - numerous authors
The Trappers Bible - Dale martin
The Tribal Living Book - David levinson & David Sherwood
The Ultimate desert Handbook - Mark Johnson
The Ultimate encyclopaedia of Knots and rope work - Geoffry Budworth
The wilderness handbook – Paul Petzoldt
The Wilderness Route finder - Calvin Rutstrum
The Winter Wilderness Companion - Garret conover & Alexandra Conover
The Woodsman and Craft Book (1910) – Hoffman ??
Trees & Shrubs of the Okavango delta, Medicinal uses and Nutritional value, volume 1 & 2 - Veronica Roodt
Tropical Forest Expeditions - By Clive Jermy and Roger Chapman
Uteliv - Lars Fält
Vehicle Dependant Expedition Guide - Tom Sheppard
Village Technology Handbook - Volunteers in Technical Assistance
VinterFarden - Lars Fält
When All Hell Breaks Loose - Cody Lundin
Where there is no Dentist - Murray Dickson
Where there is no doctor - David Werner
Wild Food - Gordon Hillman & Ray Mears
Wild Food - Roger Phillips
Wilderness canoeing and camping – Cliff Jacobson
Wilderness Survival Guide - Monty Alford
Wilderness Survival Manual - BC Hydro / W.T. Floyd
Wildwood wisdom - Ellsworth Jaeger
Winter wise - Montague Alford
Wood Conserving Stoves a Design Guide - Volunteers in Technical Assistance
Woodsmanship – Bernard S. Mason
Woodsmoke - Richard & Linda Jamison
Wound Management - Jill A. David
Pamphlets & Booklets:
pioneering knots and lashings - Scout Troop 24 
Sea survival - Ministry of defence
Arctic survival - Ministry of defence
Jungle Survival - Ministry of Defence
Basic wilderness survival in cold lacking snow - Mors Kochanski
The compass - Mors Kochanski
The two kilogram survival field kit manual - Mors Kochanski
Basic wilderness survival in deep snow - Mors Kochanski
Knife sharpening - Mors Kochanski
Top seven Bush Knots and the Use of the windlass - Mors Kochanski
tools of survival and survival training - Mors Kochanski
Basic netting - Mors Kochanski
Map use - Mors Kochanski
21 native edible plants - Mors Kochanski
the Inuit snow house - Mors Kochanski
Survival kit ideas - Mors Kochanski
The simple cattail doll - Mors Kochanski
Wilderness Steam Bath - Mors Kochanski
When you meet a Black Bear - Mors Kochanski
The Northern Night Sky - Mors Kochanski
Basic weather Knowledge - Mors Kochanski
Winter Survival in the backcountry - unknown
Winter Survival - BC Hydro
Fickminnie Overlevnad - Lars Fält
fox fire Numerous issues - numerous
A Therapeutic Approach to Arctic Survival Rations - Terence a. rogers, et al 
Physiology of Acute Starvation in Man - George F. Cahill
Snow as a life Saver - Don Vockeroth & Jhon Amatt
Survival in the desert - USAF survival school
Alberta Wilderness Arts and Recreation 1-16
The Psychology of Lost - Kenneth Hill
Frictional Fire Making With a Flexible Fire Thong – Henry Balfour
Aboriginal Fire Making - Walter Hough
Cold Weather Operations Personal Survival And Safety guide – British MOD
Desert Weather Operations Personal Survival And Safety guide – British MOD
Sticks as Tools and Implements – Mors Kochanski
Blades: Sharpening and Safe use – Mors Kochanski
Bush Knots – Mors Kochanski
Clothing and Sleeping Bags – Mors Kochanski 
A Plant walk with Mors Kochanski Volumes 1 to 7 + master (8 DVD collection) – Mors Kochanski
3 Days at the River with nothing but our bare hands - Thomas J. Elpel
Mountain Meadows camping with almost nothing but the dog - Thomas J. Elpel
Mountain Lakes a survival fishing trip - Thomas J. Elpel
Canoe Camping on a song and a paddle - Thomas J. Elpel
SAS Survival Techniques (two VHS tapes) - John Wiseman
Woodsmoke: Primitive pottery - by Richard & Linda Jamison
Woodsmoke: Primitive cooking - by Richard & Linda Jamison
Woodsmoke: Fire volume 1 - by Richard & Linda Jamison
Survival and self reliance - by Mel DeWeese & Friends
Fire Volume 1 - by Tom Laskowski
Fire Volume 2 - by Tom Laskowski
Stone Age Living Skills, Fire, Food and Cordage - Jim Riggs & Robert Earthworm
Stone Age Living Skills, Hide Tanning - Robert Earthworm & Melvin Beattie
Stone Age Living Skills, Arrows - Brian James
Brain Tan Buckskin – John & Geri McPherson 
Breaking Rock 1 - John & Geri McPherson
Breaking Rock 2 - John & Geri McPherson
Deer from Field to Freezer - John & Geri McPherson
How to construct an Asiatic Bow - John & Geri McPherson
Primitive Fire and Cordage - John & Geri McPherson
Primitive Semi-Permanent Shelters - John & Geri McPherson
Primitive Wilderness Skills Applied - John & Geri McPherson
The Primitive Bow and Arrow - John & Geri McPherson
  • +1 sole.rider
August 1, 2016
'Kvass' er tingen. Finnes mange gode oppskrifter. De fleste er brygget pÃ¥ rug som hovedingrediens. Brygget pÃ¥ denne soppen, er det en heftig eliksir! :-)
Extends life span;
prevents formation of wrinkles;
serves as prevention against cancer, improves breathing;
relieves arthrosis, positive effect in joint rheumatism;
cleans blood vessels, beneficial effect of the regeneration of cell membranes and in cardiac infarction;
enhances the taste of dishes;
removes disorder in liver;
reduces body weight;
removes nausea while driving;
helps with pox and shingles;
brings relief in menopause;
It strengthens the leg muscles;
enhances potency;
cure diseases of the hands and feet, back, gray barbell, insomnia;
strengthens the kidneys;
softens, cleanses and dissolves gallstones;
stops diarrhea;
cure hemorrhoids;
positive impact on the growth and quality of hair;
cleans the blood treated myoma on the skin;
lowers cholesterol in the blood;
enriches the useful micro flora in the intestines;
strengthens weakened immunity;
normalizes acid-base balance
July 27, 2016
July 27, 2016

Publisher: Loompanics Unlimited (Open Library)

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July 27, 2016